$149.00 USD
Comodo Instant SSL (Year)
* Full business validated certificate
* Most trusted 2048-bit SSL Certificate
* Trusted by all major Browsers
* 99.3% Browser Ubiquity
* Unlimited Re-Issuance Policy
* FREE Corner-of-Trust trustmark
* $10,000 Relying Party Warranty
* Complimentary HackerGuardian Vulnerability Scan
* 128/256 bit encryption
* 30 day Refund Policy
* Support by e-mail and web
* Licensed for unlimited physical servers
* Starting at only $69.80 per year
$99.00 USD
GeoTrust Quick SSL (Year)
* Enables up to 256-bit SSL encryption
* Fully automated 10 minute provisioning process*
* Domain-validated authentication
* Compatible with 99% of all browsers in use today
* Compatible with popular mobile devices
* Toll Free Phone Support
* SSL Manager Login Access
* Free SSL certificate-lifetime replacements & reissues
* $100,000.00 GeoSure Warranty
* Unlimted server licensing
* 30-day cancellation/refund period
* Starting at only $79.20 per year
$22.92 USD
Sectigo DV Wildcard SSL